Individual Education Plan Services

  • Manage and facilitate students' individualized education plans

  • Liaison between students and their families and classroom teachers.

Class Descriptions

Cooperative Work Training 1 (Full Year) Prerequisite: Freshman standing and IEP

This course is a beginning level course designed to teach students about the world of work, setting future career goals, and the basics to career exploration. In addition, students will learn how they can find and obtain a job and be successful. Students will learn the social skills and work ethics that will be required in the workforce. Students will learn basic everyday living skills that are associated with living independently. Students will be assigned a job on school campus to display the work skills taught in class and be evaluated by a supervisor as well as the CWT teacher.

Cooperative Work Training 2 (Full Year) Prerequisite: Sophomore or above in good attendance and academic standing and IEP

This course is designed to teach students job-related skills both in the classroom as well as at the job site. Students will learn the social skills and work ethics that will be required in the workforce. Students will evaluate their skills and interests and explore careers of their interest. Throughout the year, students will learn the skills to finding and obtaining a job, beginning and retaining a job. The students will also learn the skills that will allow them to live independently. Students will learn the concepts of budgeting and consumerism. Students who choose to work will be assigned a job on or off campus and evaluated by the employer as well as the CWT teacher.

Vocational English III & IV (Full Year) Prerequisite: Proper grade-level standing, IEP

These are a series of courses designed to help the student improve his/her individual skills in language arts and oral communications. Emphasis is placed on improving reading and comprehension skills. The practical aspects of English grammar and writing are also stressed.