Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.
Marie Curie
Hi! My name is Katie Schmidt, and I am the life science teacher here at Marshall High School. I teach Life Science, Anatomy and Physiology, and Bio Science. I grew up in Marshall, and I am an alumnus of MHS. Following graduation, I attended Indiana State University where I obtained two bachelor's degrees in Biology and in Science Education. I also have my master's in Biology from the University of Illinois. I have been teaching since 2018. I started teaching at MHS in 2019. In my free time, I love traveling and spending time with my family, my friends, and my dogs!
Class Information
Flinn Scientific Safety Contract
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing; B or better in College English I
(If College English grade falls to a C or lower for a significant amount of time, a meeting will be called with the teacher, Principal, and/or School Counselor.)
This course is open to superior students who have demonstrated outstanding ability and application in College English I. Included is a study of literature by type, development of a critical approach to forms of writing and oral communication. The emphasis in writing is on organization and clear, vivid, exact expression of ideas.