Remote Learning will continue to the end of the School Year. Please contact the Office 826-2395 from 8am - 3pm on weekdays if you have any questions. MHS Remote Learning Info is available at the link below.
almost 5 years ago, Marshall Schools
Please see the link below for a Message to the Class of 2020
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Ross
Governor Pritzker has extended the School Closure through the end of the School Year. Remote Learning will continue during this time. Meal pick-up and delivery will continue as well. More updates will be provided next week. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Ross
MHS will join many IHSA Schools in "Lights For The Fight" to honor the Class of 2020, healthcare workers, first responders, and all other essential workers on the front lines of the pandemic. Click for more info
almost 5 years ago, Marshall Schools
Please see the website News or follow the link below for an April 16 Update from Superintendent Ross on some Frequently Asked Questions.
almost 5 years ago, Marshall Schools
Happy Monday! Reminder that lunch pick-up and delivery resumes today, Monday, April 13. Thanks to our cooks, bus drivers, teacher aides, and volunteers for all their work to make this happen!
almost 5 years ago, Marshall Schools
MHS Week 2 Remote Learning Packets can be requested by calling 826-2395 or emailing Mr. Ritchey at . New packets can be picked-up or completed packets dropped off at the office from 8 am - 3 pm M-F. New Online work will be communicated by the teachers.
almost 5 years ago, Marshall Schools
Follow the link below for an update on Spring Break Lunches, Spring Break Office Hours, and Remote Learning Week 2 Info
almost 5 years ago, Marshall Schools
Please see the link below or the MHS website news for a message about Remote Learning and Material Pick-up
almost 5 years ago, Marshall Schools
Please go to the website News or follow the link below for an Update regarding Remote Learning Day Plans
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Ross
Marshall Schools Parents, we continue to work on our Remote Learning Day Plan and hope to have more details on that to you by Friday. To help in that planning, please check your email for a Technology Survey that we hope to have as many as possible complete. Thank you!
almost 5 years ago, Marshall Schools
Please go to the Website news or follow the link below for an Update from Mr. Ross
almost 5 years ago, Marshall Schools
Congratulations to Coach John Webber being named the Illinois Basketball Coaches Association District 14 Coach of the Year!
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Keown
Please go to the Website News or click the link below for an update from Superintendent Ross
almost 5 years ago, Marshall Schools
3rd Quarter Grade Cards will be emailed and mailed today. Please got to the website News or follow the link below for more information.
almost 5 years ago, Marshall Schools
Please follow the link below or go to the Unit Office website News for a March 17 Update from Superintendent Ross including Online Resources
almost 5 years ago, Marshall Schools
Congratulations Jillian Hiatt on signing your Letter of Intent to play college volleyball at Carthage College!
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Keown
Class 2A Regional Champs!
almost 5 years ago, Marshall Schools
Lilie Perry and Gage Jansen traveled to Decatur for the 212 Conference which is a leadership conference for FFA members. They join 658 other FFA members from across the state.  
almost 5 years ago, John Ritchey
Congratulations to our senior basketball players and videographer.
almost 5 years ago, John Ritchey